We have heard many types of plants. Have you ever heard pomato plants? I guess your answer would be no. Let's learn about that. This article will help you to know about pomato.
Scientists has discovered lot of things for the development of human life. But in most cases technological inventions were highlighted such as mobile, computer, Internet, virtual realty, robot etc. All the inventions are related to technology such as food technology, biotechnology etc. Now I am going to introduce a invention of agriculture that most of people
don't know about it.
Pomato: It seems very funny to read the name pomato. But you will not take it as fun after reading this article.
The pomato (or tomtato, ketchup and chips) is produced by grafting together a tomato plant and a potato plant, both of which are members of the Solanaceae(nightshade) family. Cherry tomatoes grow on the vine, while white potatoes grow in the soil from the same plant.
Pomato cultivatio in Bangladesh:
The cultivation of pometo, a plant from which potato and tomato are grown simultaneously, under the supervision of Dr Gazi Md Mohsin, an associate professor of the agriculture department of Noakhali Science and Technology Univeristy (NSTU).
Pomato cultivation has experimentally been started on NSTU campus. The local farmers have got interested as it has shown promise. In this regard, Dr Gazi Mohsin said, pomato is a plant from which potato and tomato are grown together.
Under the ground, potato is grown and tomatoes are grown in bunches. Though it sounds miraculous, but is the reality. In this method, saplings of potatoes are used as rootstock and the saplings of tomato are used as sion. This cultivation is introduced on trial basis joining potato saplings of 'diamont' species of solanasi family with saplings of tomatoes of 'mito super' species in grafting system.
In this method, the age of both saplings should be same. When the saplings reach the age of 25-30 days, these are joined. As a result, the root of potato and stem of tomato get joined within few days. In this way, tomatoes are grown on stems and potatoes are grown under the earth.
Dr Mohsin also said if this cultivation is spread massively among farmers of this area, the demand of vegetables will be met. It will boost the food security of the people. Besides, starch of potato and lychopene of tomato can be got from one plant which will resist cancer.
The vice-chancellor of this university Dr M Wahiduzzaman said in this regard that though pometo has been cultivated on NSTU campus at primary stage, we a
re interested to cultivate on massive manner. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So we want more research-friendly activities in the agriculture.
Scientists has discovered lot of things for the development of human life. But in most cases technological inventions were highlighted such as mobile, computer, Internet, virtual realty, robot etc. All the inventions are related to technology such as food technology, biotechnology etc. Now I am going to introduce a invention of agriculture that most of people
don't know about it.
Pomato: It seems very funny to read the name pomato. But you will not take it as fun after reading this article.
The pomato (or tomtato, ketchup and chips) is produced by grafting together a tomato plant and a potato plant, both of which are members of the Solanaceae(nightshade) family. Cherry tomatoes grow on the vine, while white potatoes grow in the soil from the same plant.
Growing two plants as one crop is a common practice among growers who lack in space to work upon. Having such plantations is accomplished through a process called grafting – a method of asexual propagation. This gardening innovation lets gardeners grow vertically stacked plants in small space. One such example of this production is pomato or tomtato plant that produces potato and tomato as one plant.
If you too want to own pomato plants at your home; here is a step-by-step guide. Follow it to enjoy this hybrid crop:
Steps to grow pomato/ tomtato plants:
- Take a healthy tomato plant of about six to eight inches tall.
- Now take a potato plant of approx. the same height as that of tomato plant.
- Set the stems of both the plants in such a way that they touch easily.
- Cut a ‘V’ shape into the stem of potato plant (1 inch in length & 1/3rd the thickness of stem) with a sharp knife or blade.
- Repeat the procedure on the stem of tomato plant after matching the height of the cut. Make sure to expose the cambium layer on both the plants. This layer has active cells that generate growth. Also make the cut 3 inches from the top so as to line up the open areas perfectly.
- Slide the ‘V’ shapes together to connect both the plant stems and secure them by meaning of a grafting tape. Be sure to seal off the exposed areas entirely.
- Keep your plants in the area getting indirect sunlight and check for signs of new growth over the top of tomato plant. Once the lush growth appears; cut the top portion of potato plant.
- Let the plant thrives until you again see the growth on tomato plant. Once it appears; remove the tomato plant’s bottom portion (below the grafting site).
- Cover the plant with a plastic bag to maintain the moisture content. Remove the bag after several days; if the plant shows wilting; cover it again for some days.
- Remove the plastic bag and watch if the growth has taken place. Whenever you see lush green leaves; remove the tape which was used to support the stems. The pomtato plant has successfully formed – a plant that will grow potatoes underneath the soil and tomatoes on the top.
- To maintain optimum health of your plant; water it regularly and fertilize with a water-soluble fertilizer (every 2 weeks
Pomato cultivatio in Bangladesh:
The cultivation of pometo, a plant from which potato and tomato are grown simultaneously, under the supervision of Dr Gazi Md Mohsin, an associate professor of the agriculture department of Noakhali Science and Technology Univeristy (NSTU).
Pomato cultivation has experimentally been started on NSTU campus. The local farmers have got interested as it has shown promise. In this regard, Dr Gazi Mohsin said, pomato is a plant from which potato and tomato are grown together.
Under the ground, potato is grown and tomatoes are grown in bunches. Though it sounds miraculous, but is the reality. In this method, saplings of potatoes are used as rootstock and the saplings of tomato are used as sion. This cultivation is introduced on trial basis joining potato saplings of 'diamont' species of solanasi family with saplings of tomatoes of 'mito super' species in grafting system.
In this method, the age of both saplings should be same. When the saplings reach the age of 25-30 days, these are joined. As a result, the root of potato and stem of tomato get joined within few days. In this way, tomatoes are grown on stems and potatoes are grown under the earth.
Dr Mohsin also said if this cultivation is spread massively among farmers of this area, the demand of vegetables will be met. It will boost the food security of the people. Besides, starch of potato and lychopene of tomato can be got from one plant which will resist cancer.
The vice-chancellor of this university Dr M Wahiduzzaman said in this regard that though pometo has been cultivated on NSTU campus at primary stage, we a
re interested to cultivate on massive manner. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So we want more research-friendly activities in the agriculture.
Source: http://www.oliviassolutions.com/blog/growing-tomtato-plant-tomato-potato-simultaneously/
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